The Launch of the East End Preservation Society

26 November 2013
The Launch of the East End Preservation Society
Former SAVE Secretary Will Palin will be speaking at the launch of the East End Preservation Society on Wednesday 27th November, 6.30pm, at the Bishopsgate Institute. SAVE Trustee Dan Cruickshank will also be addressing the assembly.
The East End has lost a number of historic buildings recently, and is set to lose more in the coming years. This list includes the Jewish Maternity Hospital demolished in January 2012, The Queen Elizabeth Children's Hospital which will be reduced to a single facade, and the London Fruit and Wool Exchange opposite Hawksmoor's Grade I listed Christ Church. SAVE campaigned against the proposal to facade the Fruit and Wool Exchange, removing all traces of the buildings rich architectural interior and social history, but our listing application was rejected.
The East End Preservation Society has been created to prevent further developments causing harm to the historic fabric of the East End. Through collective effort and action the Society can have a ‘stronger influence upon the culture of development that threatens old buildings and be more powerful in our individual campaigns to save them.'
As the Gentle Author notes: ‘If the future of the East End is important to you, you need to be there!'
Further information can be found here: