SAVE Walking Tour: The splendour of Oxford Street’s 20th century retail palaces and how to save them in 2023

SAVE Walking Tour: The splendour of Oxford Street’s 20th century retail palaces and how to save them in 2023
Sunday 23rd April
Join SAVE and Alec Forshaw on a special walking tour of Oxford Street – tracing 100 years of shopping through a series of landmark retail palaces, including Marks and Spencer’s Marble Arch, the focus of a recent high profile public inquiry fought by SAVE. Alec Forshaw is a notable expert in London’s architectural heritage - a writer, planner, historian, and was SAVE’s key heritage and planning witness at the Marks and Spencer public inquiry.
Tickets: £16, £12 for Friends and Saviours
Meeting Point: Outside the M&S store, where there is a wide pavement - the north-west corner of the junction of Oxford Street and Orchard Street.