Saviour Tour April 2017: Covent Garden

SAVE has been involved in saving a wide range of buildings across this historic part of the West End, from King's College on the Strand and Jubilee Hall on the edge of Covent Garden, to the Comyn Ching Triangle near Seven Dials. This is an opportunity for Saviours to revisit the sites of some of London's most contentious conservation battles, and find more about our ongoing campaigns from Marcus and the team at SAVE.
Following the tour, Benjamin Franklin House is very kindly hosting us for a private drinks reception. There will also be an opportunity for a short guided tour of the house, built in around 1730, in which Benjamin Franklin was resident for the 16 years he spent in London from 1757-1775.
If you would like to attend this event, and you are not yet a Saviour, please sign up here or call the office on 0207 253 3500 to discuss your subscription.