Invitation: Come and support SAVE at the M&S Oxford Street public inquiry

21st October 2022
The public inquiry into Marks and Spencer’s controversial and highly publicised proposal to demolish its flagship 1920s building on Oxford Street opens on Tuesday, 25th October.
Please consider joining us on the first day at Westminster City Hall.
Here is everything you need to know:
- The inquiry is being held in the Inquiry Room, 18th Floor, Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria St, London SW1E 6QP.
- It opens on Tuesday 25th October at 10am and runs for two weeks. Come on the opening morning if you can.
- Find all the inquiry documents relating to SAVE’s case here
- The inspector has allocated a brief period to allow the public to address the inquiry. Let us know asap if you want to speak.
- The inquiry will be livestreamed via Teams. To watch the first dayJoin on the web Login details: Meeting ID: 376 092 899 080 and Passcode: szL5m8
To follow the inquiry on social media or share your support for SAVE, use the hashtag #SAVEMandSOxfordSt
Thank you to everyone who has donated to our crowd funder which goes towards our legal costs. We couldn't do this without you! If you haven’t already, please donate here.
If you have any questions or to let us know you’re coming, email or
Watch our short video clip here - YouTube