SAVE in the news - June 2022

It’s been another busy month. SAVE’s director Henrietta Billings was quoted in a major Guardian piece on the M&S call-in, a story that was covered by most major news outlets including the Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail and London Evening Standard. The Guardian’s feature focused on the carbon implications of demolishing historic buildings and mentioned the open letter we organised with the Architects’ Journal.
Our Buildings at Risk register 2022 launch was covered in Country Life and attracted headlines across the UK, with papers in Northumberland, Yorkshire, Greater Manchester, Merseyside, Wales, Swindon, Cornwall and London all eager to reveal the new entries in their area.
The Secretary of State’s ruling in our favour to protect London’s Custom House was widely reported, including in the specialist press. And the BBC news website was one of several to cover the interest shown by leading archaeologists in the threatened remains of St Olave’s Church in Norwich.
Elsewhere our warning over the risks facing Norris Castle was picked up by the Isle of Wight County Press while other casework including Cowbridge School in Wales and the Star Hotel in Great Yarmouth also garnered headlines.