Europa Nostra delegation visits Grimsby Ice Factory

Grimsby Ice Factory (image: wikipedia)
16 January 2019
The Europa Nostra and European Investment Bank Institute 'Mission Visit' to Grimsby Ice Factory took place from 16-18 December 2018. The building was successfully nominated last year by SAVE Britain's Heritage, in conjunction with the Great Grimsby Ice Factory Trust, as one of Europe's 7 Most Endangered heritage sites.
The grade II * listed factory has been empty and unused since 1990 and lies in the heart of Grimsby Docks, once the largest fishing docks in the world. The aim of Europa Nostra and the European Investment Bank Institute is to help bring forward a viable strategy for a new use for the building, and ensure that all aspects of this internationally, nationally and locally significant building are taken into consideration.
The factory lies within the operational port of Grimsby and is owned by Associated British Ports, who welcomed the Mission Visit and hosted a tour of the Kasbah and an important roundtable meeting of all key stakeholders, which was chaired by Graham Bell, Board Member of Europa Nostra, and attended by Eric Reynolds, Chair of SAVE trustees.
An announcement is expected in the near future about development intentions for the port, within which the ice factory, currently a gaunt ghost of past fortunes, will be a landmark gateway. The Mission report on the building is expected to be published in March.
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