The Futurist is not a threat to public safety: read the independent expert report here

7 June 2016
The Futurist is not a threat to public safety: read the independent expert report here
This report by Integral Engineering Design was commissioned at end of May by Liverpool City Council and SAVE in a bid to establish the condition of the Futurist and its façade by an independent third party engineer.
The expert report finds the former cinema on Lime Street is not a threat to public safety, not in imminent danger of collapse, and that it is stable.
Liverpool City Council had argued the building was a threat to public safety and blocked off Lime Street. SAVE disputed this view, and over a month ago put forward a method of stabilizing the façade without requiring closing Lime Street to traffic. The independent engineer was appointed to provide a definitive view on the condition of the building.
This report is a vindication of SAVE’s long held view that the building is not in imminent danger of collapse, and demolition is not necessary.
It is an important step forward ahead of the Court of Appeal hearing regarding the re-development of the wider Lime Street site – including the demolition of the Futurist and 10 neighbouring historic buildings. The appeal is set to be heard on 22 June.
For more information on the case please see here.
For more details contact Henrietta Billings, Director of SAVE on 020 7253 3500 or