The hunt is on for buildings at risk

SAVE Britain’s Heritage needs your help! We are currently researching for next year's annual Buildings at Risk catalogue and register.
SAVE is interested in hearing about Grade II listed and/or unlisted vacant buildings of historical or architectural note which are at risk from dereliction/decay/vandalism and in need of a new use and designer replica handbags users (they don’t necessarily need to be for sale). We also want to hear about Grade I and II* listed buildings at risk which are vacant and for sale. Please do get in touch about suitable buildings you may have seen in your local area or on travels throughout England and Wales.
Buildings feature online and around 100 new entries will be chosen for inclusion in our annual catalogue with the aim of inspiring and empowering people to take a more active role in protecting and cherishing their historic environment.
Please send in high-resolution photos about Replica Handbags if you can. A good photograph is worth a thousand words. We cannot feature a building in the catalogue without a picture.
Please contact Rhiannon Tracy, SAVE's Buildings at Risk and Casework Officer by email or on 020 7253 3500
Deadline for information is early January 2012.
Thank you for your help and please get in touch!