Exhibition 'Development Hell' at Shoreditch Church with participation of SAVE extended until end of May

SAVE Britain's Heritage is taking part in a grassroots exhibition at Shoreditch Church, 'Development Hell', highlighting challenging planning battles taking place in London today and providing practical advice for campaigners.
SAVE Britain’s Heritage is proud to be taking part in the exhibition, contributing a specially devised flowchart: How to Fight a Planning Application, that will help individuals and community groups campaign effectively to save beloved buildings and sites. This will be available online following the exhibition opening.
London is at present in the grip of a building boom, and east London, on the edge of the City, is particularly vulnerable. Since Boris Johnson has been in office he has given the green light to 13 out of 13 contested destructive and bloated schemes, in opposition to local councils, campaign groups, individual objectors and amenity societies. This exhibition will provide more information on some of these schemes including Norton Folgate and the Bishops Gate Goodsyard.
It features a case study of a recent successful campaign from SAVE Britain’s Heritage for the Strand buildings. Last year, SAVE successfully campaigned to rescue five Georgian and Victorian buildings on the Strand from demolition, and devised an alternative scheme for bringing them back into use in a sensitive manner, placing them at the centre of a new piece of public realm. We developed this scheme with architect John Burrell of Burrell, Foley, Fischer (BFF). This scheme will be on display for the first time, alongside our flowchart.
In addition, the exhibition features work by artists: Andrea McLean, The Artist of the Ant, Gram Hilleard, Adam Dant, Jamie Reid, and Neil Cummings. McLean’s paintings are a Blakean vision of a utopian city. Reid is famous for his iconic punk graphics.
Shoreditch Church is playing a central role as a platform for local campaigners notably MoreLightMorePower and Save Norton Folgate, and has taken a strong position on Bishopsgate Goodsyard.
The exhibition will run until the end of May and will be open every day between 12 and 2pm. Ends 5th June 2016
119 Shoreditch High St
E1 6JN
For more information about the church, please see their website: