The State Cinema, George Street, Grays, Thurrock, Essex, RM17 6LZ

There is no cinema in Britain better preserved or more evocative of a bygone era than the State Cinema, built in 1938 for Frederick's Electric Theatres. But times change and sadly the State’s single auditorium with its capacity of 2,000 cannot compete with the multiplex cinema at the nearby Lakeside shopping complex. As with most cinemas, it is the interior of the building which is of real interest. This has featured in a number of films itself including 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit'.
The building is structurally sound but damaged rainwater goods have led to localised damp problems and the State is currently boarded up. Permission to convert the building for religious purposes was granted on appeal some years ago but this change of use was never implemented. New owners came on the scene in 2007 and carried out some basic repairs to the down pipes while considering possibilities for the site.
*Update* June 2011 - In 2009, it seemed there might be some light at the end of the tunnel for the State. A valiant local activist collected a petition of 6,000 signatures to save the cinema and put pressure on Thurrock Council to act. The prospect of local elections focussed the Council’s mind and there was talk of making the cinema the subject of a Compulsory Purchase Order. The CPO never materialised but an options workshop was held and a feasibility study carried out. The study concluded by recommending a mixed-use scheme which would have entailed the removal of all of the cinema’s ground-floor seats, the demolition and enlargement of its frontage, and almost certainly the loss of its Grade II* status. To the great relief of the cinema’s supporters, this proposal has been rejected by the owner in favour of a lighter-touch and less-damaging scheme. Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Council is expecting to receive applications for Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent for this scheme imminently. Could this mean a happy ending for the State?
*Update* November 2012 - The State Cinema remains at risk. Planning permission and listed building consent were granted in 2011 for alterations to the building to create a mixed leisure centre including conference and entertainment facilities, restaurants, shops, and bars. However, the scheme has not been implemented. More recently, the building was marketed, but no sale was concluded.
*Update* September 2018 - Permission to convert the former cinema to a public house was approved in August 2018 but works have not yet commenced. Details of the application can be found by clicking here. Application Number: 17/01616/FUL. Thurrock Council, Place Services at Essex County Council and Historic England have been working for a number of years with J D Wetherspoons on the scheme. There will be some loss of historic features and alterations to the fabric including the removal of the auditorium seating and the insertion of three windows behind the stage but the majority of features are to be retained and restored.
*Update* June 2020 - It was reported that work had not started by the end of 2019 after changes in the proposals necessitated fresh a resubmission of plans for consent It is not clear whether work has yet commenced but Wetherspoons were quoted in local press reports as still being keen to proceed.
*Update* September 2021 - Planning and listed building applications have been made (21/00729/LBC & 21/00728/FUL). Changes were introduced to the previous applications are included new windows on the ground floor north elevations and larger windows on the west elevations.
*Update* July 2022 - It is still not clear whether work to convert the building into a Wetherspoons public house is underway. We are keeping a close eye on developments to see how this exciting project turns out. Information on the cinema can also be found on the Cinema Theatres Association website.
*Update* February 2022 - Work to convert the building to a JD Wetherspoon pub was supposed to commence in 2019 but at the end of 2022, the company announced that they were no longer proceeding with the plans and the building was once more placed on the market. Aerial photos from this time appear to show some worrying holes in the roof.
*Update* September 2023 - The cinema is standing empty and boarded up with signs inviting interested parties to contact Savills with any enquiries. Last November, the Theatres Trust and Cinema Theatres Association wrote to Thurrock Council requesting action be taken to address the gaping hole in the roof. The building is on Historic England's Heritage at Risk Register which states that work is ongoing and due to be completed in mid 2023. This does not appear to be the case, although this may be because a new update of HE's register is due soon. A supporters Facebook page is reporting that the site is in poor condition and not particularly secure.
*Update* September 2024 - We understand that the building changed hands in the summer of 2023 and is now owned by a development company with plans to convert the building to a hotel and banqueting venue. However, they appear to have taken no steps to secure the building and prevent further deterioration. In July, local news reported that the building remains derelict, but campaigning for this site is still active but action is needed soon if it anything of the former glory of this building is to be saved.
*Update* January 2025 - We understand that, following discussions with the Council, the owner is carrying out works to the roof and to secure the buildng. However, a comprehensive solution is needed which addresses the long term future of the building.